
SOCI provides a flexible, but requiring some effort to use, way to log all queries done by the library and a more limited but very simple way to do it.

Simple logging

The following members of the session class support the basic logging functionality:

The first two functions allow to set the user-provided output stream object for logging. The NULL value, which is the default, means that there is no logging.

An example use might be:

session sql(oracle, "...");

ofstream file("my_log.txt");

// ...

Each statement logs its query string before the preparation step (whether explicit or implicit) and therefore logging is effective whether the query succeeds or not. Note that each prepared query is logged only once, independent on how many times it is executed.

The get_last_query function allows to retrieve the last used query. The associated get_last_query_context function allows to obtain a string representation of the bound values (if any) used in the last query. That is, while get_last_query might return something like INSERT INTO dummy (val) VALUES (:val), get_last_query_context will return something like :val=42 and together they can be used to get a detailed understanding of what happened in the last query. Cached parameters are cleared at the beginning of each query and are not persisted across multiple queries.

Logging of query parameters is enabled by default but can at any time be adjusted to your needs by using the set_query_context_logging_mode function of the session object. For instance


Possible values are

Flexible logging using custom loggers

If the above is not enough, it is also possible to log the queries in exactly the way you want by deriving your own my_log_impl class from soci::logger_impl and implementing its pure virtual start_query() and do_clone() methods:

class my_log_impl : public soci::logger_impl
    virtual void start_query(std::string const & query)
        ... log the given query ...

    virtual logger_impl* do_clone() const
        return new my_log_impl(...);

Then simply pass a new, heap-allocated instance of this class to the session object:

soci::session sql(...);
sql.set_logger(new my_log_impl(...));

and start_query() method of the logger will be called for all queries.