Backends reference

This part of the documentation is provided for those who want to write (and contribute!) their own backends. It is anyway recommendedthat authors of new backend see the code of some existing backend forhints on how things are really done.

The backend interface is a set of base classes that the actual backendsare supposed to specialize. The main SOCI interface uses only theinterface and respecting the protocol (for example, the order of function calls) described here. Note that both the interface and theprotocol were initially designed with the Oracle database in mind, which means that whereas it is quite natural with respect to the way Oracle API (OCI) works, it might impose some implementation burden on otherbackends, where things are done differently and therefore have to beadjusted, cached, converted, etc.

The interface to the common SOCI interface is defined in the core/soci-backend.h header file. This file is dissected below.

All names are defined in either soci or soci::details namespace.

// data types, as seen by the user
enum data_type
    dt_string, dt_date, dt_double, dt_integer, dt_long_long, dt_unsigned_long_long

// data types, as seen by the user
enum db_type

// the enum type for indicator variables
enum indicator { i_ok, i_null, i_truncated };

// data types, as used to describe exchange format
enum exchange_type
    x_short = x_int16,
    x_integer = x_int32,
    x_long_long = x_int64,
    x_unsigned_long_long = x_uint64,


struct cstring_descriptor
    cstring_descriptor(char * str, std::size_t bufSize)
        : str_(str), bufSize_(bufSize) {}

    char * str_;
    std::size_t bufSize_;

// actually in error.h:
class soci_error : public std::runtime_error
    soci_error(std::string const & msg);

The data_type and db_type enumeration type defines all types that form the core type support for SOCI. The enum itself can be used by clients when dealing with dynamic rowset description. data_type is deprecated in favor of db_type, so users are encouraged to use the latter.

The indicator enumeration type defines all recognized states of data. The i_truncated state is provided for the case where the string is retrieved from the database into the char buffer that is not long enough to hold the whole value.

The exchange_type enumeration type defines all possible types that can be used with the into and use elements.

The cstring_descriptor is a helper class that allows to store the address of char buffer together with its size. The objects of this class are passed to the backend when the x_cstring type is involved.

The soci_error class is an exception type used for database-related (and also usage-related) errors. The backends should throw exceptions of this or derived type only.

class standard_into_type_backend
    standard_into_type_backend() {}
    virtual ~standard_into_type_backend() {}

    virtual void define_by_pos(int& position, void* data, exchange_type type) = 0;

    virtual void pre_fetch() = 0;
    virtual void post_fetch(bool gotData, bool calledFromFetch, indicator* ind) = 0;

    virtual void clean_up() = 0;

The standard_into_type_back_end class implements the dynamic interactions with the simple (non-bulk) into elements. The objects of this class (or, rather, of the derived class implemented by the actual backend) are created by the statement object when the into element is bound - in terms of lifetime management, statement is the master of this class.

The intended use of pre_fetch and post_fetch functions is to manage any internal buffer and/or data conversion foreach value retrieved from the database. If the given server supportsbinary data transmission and the data format for the given type agreeswith what is used on the client machine, then these two functions neednot do anything; otherwise buffer management and data conversionsshould go there.

class vector_into_type_backend
    vector_into_type_backend() {}
    virtual ~vector_into_type_backend() {}

    virtual void define_by_pos(int& position, void* data, exchange_type type) = 0;

    virtual void pre_fetch() = 0;
    virtual void post_fetch(bool gotData, indicator* ind) = 0;

    virtual void resize(std::size_t sz) = 0;
    virtual std::size_t size() = 0;

    virtual void clean_up() = 0;

The vector_into_type_back_end has similar structure and purpose as the previous one, but is used for vectors (bulk data retrieval).

The data pointer points to the variable of type std::vector<T>; (and not to its internal buffer), resize is supposed to really resize the user-provided vector and size is supposed to return the current size of this vector. The important difference with regard to the previous class is that ind points (if not NULL) to the beginning of the array of indicators. The backend should fill this array according to the actual state of the retrieved data.

The intended use for pre_use and post_use methods is to manage any internal buffers and/or data conversion. They can be called many times with the same statement.

class vector_use_type_backend
    virtual ~vector_use_type_backend() {}

    virtual void bind_by_pos(int& position,
        void* data, exchange_type type) = 0;
    virtual void bind_by_name(std::string const& name,
        void* data, exchange_type type) = 0;

    virtual void pre_use(indicator const* ind) = 0;

    virtual std::size_t size() = 0;

    virtual void clean_up() = 0;

Objects of this type (or rather of type derived from this one) are used to implement interactions with user-provided vector (bulk) use elements and are managed by the statement object. The data pointer points to the whole vector object provided by the user (and not to its internal buffer); ind points to the beginning of the array of indicators (or is NULL). The meaning of this interface is analogous to those presented above.

class statement_backend
    statement_backend() {}
    virtual ~statement_backend() {}

    virtual void alloc() = 0;
    virtual void clean_up() = 0;

    virtual void prepare(std::string const& query, statement_type eType) = 0;

    enum exec_fetch_result

    virtual exec_fetch_result execute(int number) = 0;
    virtual exec_fetch_result fetch(int number) = 0;

    virtual long long get_affected_rows() = 0;
    virtual int get_number_of_rows() = 0;

    virtual std::string rewrite_for_procedure_call(std::string const& query) = 0;

    virtual int prepare_for_describe() = 0;
    virtual void describe_column(int colNum,
        db_type& dbtype,
        std::string& column_name) = 0;

    virtual standard_into_type_backend* make_into_type_backend() = 0;
    virtual standard_use_type_backend* make_use_type_backend() = 0;
    virtual vector_into_type_backend* make_vector_into_type_backend() = 0;
    virtual vector_use_type_backend* make_vector_use_type_backend() = 0;

The statement_backend type implements the internals of the statement objects. The objects of this class are created by the session object.


  1. Whether the query is executed using the simple one-time syntax or is prepared, the alloc, prepare and execute functions are always called, in this order.
  2. All into and use elements are bound (their define_by_pos or bind_by_pos/bind_by_name functions are called) between statement preparation and execution.
class rowid_backend
    virtual ~rowid_backend() {}

The rowid_backend class is a hook for the backends to provide their own state for the row identifier. It has no functions, since the only portable interaction with the row identifier object is to use it with into and use elements.

class blob_backend
    virtual ~blob_backend() {}

    virtual std::size_t get_len() = 0;
    virtual std::size_t read(std::size_t offset, char * buf,
        std::size_t toRead) = 0;
    virtual std::size_t write(std::size_t offset, char const * buf,
        std::size_t toWrite) = 0;
    virtual std::size_t append(char const * buf, std::size_t toWrite) = 0;
    virtual void trim(std::size_t newLen) = 0;

The blob_backend interface provides the entry points for the blob methods.

class session_backend
    virtual ~session_backend() {}

    virtual void begin() = 0;
    virtual void commit() = 0;
    virtual void rollback() = 0;

    virtual bool get_next_sequence_value(session&, std::string const&, long long&);
    virtual bool get_last_insert_id(session&, std::string const&, long long&);

    virtual std::string get_backend_name() const = 0;

    virtual statement_backend * make_statement_backend() = 0;
    virtual rowid_backend * make_rowid_backend() = 0;
    virtual blob_backend * make_blob_backend() = 0;

The object of the class derived from session_backend implements the internals of the session object.

struct backend_factory
    virtual ~backend_factory() {}

    virtual details::session_backend * make_session(
        std::string const& connectString) const = 0;

The backend_factory is a base class for backend-provided factory class that is able to create valid sessions. The connectString parameter passed to make_session is provided here by the session constructor and contains only the backend-related parameters, without the backend name (if the dynamic backend loading is used).

The actual backend factory object is supposed to be provided by the backend implementation and declared in its header file. In addition to this, the factory_ABC function with the "C" calling convention and returning the pointer to concrete factory object should be provided, where ABC is the backend name.

The following example is taken from soci-postgresql.h, which declares entities of the PostgreSQL backend:

struct postgresql_backend_factory : backend_factory
    virtual postgresql_session_backend* make_session(
        std::string const& connectString) const;
extern postgresql_backend_factory const postgresql;

extern "C"

// for dynamic backend loading
backend_factory const * factory_postgresql();

} // extern "C"

With the above declarations, it is enough to pass the postgresql factory name to the constructor of the session object, which will use this factory to create concrete implementations for any other objects that are needed, with the help of appropriate make_XYZ functions. Alternatively, the factory_postgresql function will be called automatically by the backend loader if the backend name is provided at run-time instead.

Note that the backend source code is placed in the backends/*name* directory (for example, backends/oracle) and the test driver is in backends/*name*/test. There is also backends/empty directory provided as a skeleton for development of new backends and their tests. It is recommended that all backends respect naming conventions by just appending their name to the base-class names. The backend name used for the global factory object should clearly identify the given database engine, like oracle, postgresql, mysql, and so on.