
All DB-related errors manifest themselves as exceptions of type soci_error, which is derived from std::runtime_error. This allows to handle database errors within the standard exception framework:

int main()
        // regular code
    catch (std::exception const & e)
        cerr << "Bang! " << e.what() << endl;

The soci_error class exposes two public functions:

The get_error_message() const function returns std::string with a brief error message, without any additional information that can be present in the full error message returned by what().

The get_error_category() const function returns one of the error_category enumeration values, which allows the user to portably react to some subset of common errors. For example, connection_error or constraint_violation have meanings that are common across different database backends, even though the actual mechanics might differ.


Error categories are not universally supported and there is no claim that all possible errors that are reported by the database server are covered or interpreted. If the error category is not recognized by the backend, it defaults to unknown.


The MySQL backend can throw instances of the mysql_soci_error, which is publicly derived from soci_error and has an additional public err_num_ member containing the MySQL error code (as returned by mysql_errno()):

int main()
        // regular code
    catch (soci::mysql_soci_error const & e)
        cerr << "MySQL error: " << e.err_num_
            << " " << e.what() << endl;
    catch (soci::exception const & e)
        cerr << "Some other error: " << e.what() << endl;


The Oracle backend can also throw the instances of the oracle_soci_error, which is publicly derived from soci_error and has an additional public err_num_ member containing the Oracle error code:

int main()
        // regular code
    catch (soci::oracle_soci_error const & e)
        cerr << "Oracle error: " << e.err_num_
            << " " << e.what() << endl;
    catch (soci::exception const & e)
        cerr << "Some other error: " << e.what() << endl;


The PostgreSQL backend can also throw the instances of the postgresql_soci_error, which is publicly derived from soci_error and has an additional public sqlstate() member function returning the five-character "SQLSTATE" error code:

int main()
        // regular code
    catch (soci::postgresql_soci_error const & e)
        cerr << "PostgreSQL error: " << e.sqlstate()
            << " " << e.what() << endl;
    catch (soci::exception const & e)
        cerr << "Some other error: " << e.what() << endl;